
dinsdag 30 juli 2013

TV Cray: On Cooking Shows and Modern Television

A few years ago a new trend came to the world of TV. Someone with a lot of business sense suggested the idea that every show should have the same format. That is how today we watch not just one talent hunt, but several. Examples include The Voice, The Voice Kids, The X-factor, Whatever Country’s Got Talent, So You Think You Can Dance and several editions of Masterchef in any country with each time a group from a different age. Masterchef Kids and the Voice Kids are two of the reasons I don’t really watch television anymore.

In a world so fascinated with food all the time it is becoming more and more annoying when you’re not that hungry yet but it is dinnertime in the eyes of the world. There is no escaping cooking shows anymore. Where are the shows like Life & Cooking that had just a small element on cooking and focused on the rest of life? When did it become interesting to watch 9-year-olds cook some ridiculously fancy meal that nobody wants to eat anyway? Is it supposed to be cute?

One part of cooking, has caught my attention a little bit. Everyone knows the joy of making some kind of cake or pie, filling the house with lovely smells of freshly baked cookies and sharing the with your friends or family. I get that. What I don’t get is what the point is of making a TV-show about people baking pies. You can´t smell it, you can´t taste it, most parts about how it´s really made are skipped. You can´t get the recipe if you want to try it yourself. Then what is all the fuss about?

Reading over all my question another one comes to mind: what is the answer to all this? What else have we to fill the time on TV? Another re-run of Friends, Charmed, McLeod’s Daughters? By now we all know them by heart. I think it’s time we surrender to this trend because let’s admit: Say Yes to the Dress – Bridesmaids is just as fun as the regular series, and as long as they don’t start doing a Say Yes to the Dress – Kids edition, I’m fine with just switching channels whenever such a show comes on.

- MP

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