This will be a blog about me, J, one of the Craydians: a 22-year-old ex-fattie who lives for experiencing passion. In my search for it, I write, bake, cook, work out mind and body, and share the produce of all this with friends and family.
One of the core elements of how I identify myself in daily life is through my studies. I am a cultural anthropologist by trade and heart and I have just finished an undergraduate program in it. I study how society and the realm of the cultural works and changes. In my 4 years at the University of Amsterdam, I have focused on researching the workings of power, processes of identification and the structuring and altering properties of language. This all might sound a bit complicated, but in its essence, it really isn’t. I might devote a blog to sort of explain cultural anthropology for dummies soonish.
I started off by saying that I am an ex-fattie. That might sound like a harsh self description, but it is the reality of my life. I used to be a ridiculously unhealthy 93 kg (or 205 pounds or 14.6 stone) young girl of 1.69 metres (or 5.5 feet). At the age of 18, I decided to change my physical and mental habits and lost nearly 30 kilos (or nearly 66 pounds or 4.7 stone) through disciplining myself mentally and physically, forever changing my awareness of food. Maintenance is probably as hard as losing weight and after regaining some weight after my initial loss, I am more fit, healthier and slimmer than ever due to another new lifestyle change. As a result, I am almost overly obsessed with food, cooking, health and body image. This obsession structures many of my daily activities but I luckily enjoy it most of the time.
My residence is a room in a tiny cute little house in a small town. Although I might study in Amsterdam, I’m not much of a city girl. I like the peace and quiet of living in a town, the fresh air and the abundance of nature in its vicinity. I actually feel like I truly need it in order to stay centered and focused. Living on my own gives me plenty opportunity to cook, as opposed to how it would be if I lived with my parents. As a result, I try multiple new recipes a week. I have three lovely roommates, who I love to surprise with baked goods from a new tried out recipe. For a bunch of students, are kitchen is quite spacious, although for me, it can never be too big. My most valued possessions in the kitchen are my food processor and my array of about 50 different herbs and spices. Now that I pretty much have all the ones I need, I am building a collection of quality knives, oils and vinegars. If you have any recommendations, please leave them in the comments.
Passion is nothing without music. Not only do I listen hours of it a day, I also heavily associate memories and people with certain kinds of music, kind of building a soundtrack of my life. While I enjoy nearly all kinds of music in everyday life, like blues, jazz, rock, indie, folk, I also have a big heart for EDM (electronic dance music) when I go out. To me, the best kinds of electronic dance music are drum’n’bass (and related genres) and dubstep (especially the deeper, darker kind). There is nothing more thrilling, lust generating and exhilarating then the feeling of a sub bass in your belly.
I could go on writing about passion for pages, but I really shouldn’t. This blog has already become much longer than I intended. I’ll leave the floor to the other craydians to spill the beans.